
This is a gallery pictures from the 7:34 project, which is ongoing.

About 7:34
Every day, at 19:34 local time, I take a picture.
I have done this more or less consistently since 2011.

YR0001 [ 8/20/2011 - 8/19/2012 ]
// new faces, new places

YR0002 [ 8/20/2012 - 8/19/2013 ]
// old flames, new fire

YR0003 [ 8/20/2013 - 8/19/2014 ]
// turning, turning

YR0004 [ 8/20/2014 - 8/19/2015 ]
// a sunlit porch, an old mansion

YR0005 [ 8/20/2015 - 8/19/2016 ]
// life on mars, i need a forest fire

YR0006 [ 8/20/2016 - 8/19/2017 ]
// well i better fold my clothes

YR0007 [ 8/20/2017 - 8/19/2018 ]
// gas giants

photos from 2018 to now are scattered on four different phones won't be up for a while.